I’d rather live my life as though God exists and find out he doesn’t, than live my life as though God doesn’t exist, and find out he does.

The logic of this statement should be obvious:

If God exists, and I live as though God exists, I inherit eternal life.
If God exists, and I live as though God does not exist, I forfeit my eternal soul.
If God does not exist, and I live as though God exists, I die.
If God does not exist, and I live as though God does not exist, I die.

Most of the people in the US who are not believers would classify themselves as agnostics, meaning, it can’t be known whether God exists or not. But, the scripture (Matthew 7:7) says,

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

With so much hanging in the balance, it is amazing that more people do not seek God for themselves.