Test tube creation of life is impossible

If you take a test tube filled with all the ideal salts and substances to foster life, then insert a living cell into that mixture, and puncture that cell with a sterile needle, you still cannot create life from the matter in a destroyed cell, demonstrating that test...

The Universe needs a cause

The universe exists. Everything that exists has a cause, so the universe needs a cause. The Big Bang was the beginning of the universe, and something must have triggered it. If you surmise that some aspect of the universe triggered the big bang, then something must...

Which would you choose

This video raises some good points – is it possible God exists in some % of the knowledge you do not have, and if there were only two choices, to die like an animal, or have the possibility for eternal life in paradise, which would you...

Finely tuned forces and masses

There are about twenty values physics have found that appear to be so finely tuned to enable complex life to exist. A few of them are: The cosmological constant – tuned to 120 decimal places – one part in a trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion...